
Make It Clear is a Brazilian LSP fully invested in providing services through humans only. Our goal is to achieve top quality in any copy you need. If you are quality-focused and would like to expand the presence of your brand in a fluent and natural way, we got you covered.

Claudia Rezende

Claudia Rezende is a journalist and a linguist. Her career in the translation industry started in 2011, and she has pilled up a huge list of clients. She is currently the PT-BR Language Lead for a major (major!) streaming service. You don’t know, but you’ve probably seen her creative work on your screen!

In 2023, Claudia decided to develop Make It Clear: a translation company that is clearly going against the AI trends of the localization market, and using 100% human translations with one goal: QUALITY. Thiago Correia, a long-time friend and a specialized translator, has joined the adventure.
