
February 13, 2024

Why are we going against the AI trend? Let’s make it clear…

Artificial intelligence is a fact. There is no way back. It’s happening right here, right now. And you’ve probably wondered if AI will replace even more humans in the next few years.

Recognizing the AI’s existence is the first step. Adapting to it is the second. Choosing to use it is the last.

Our linguists are trained and experienced with machine translation. We just chose not to use it for many reasons. To name a few:

  • Brazilian Portuguese is a very complex language. Literal translations usually don’t work well. The chance of a great output from machine translation is very low.
  • Translated copies need to be culturally-adapted to reach their target audiences like a local brand would. AI can’t do that.
  • AI can be cheaper and profitable, but the price the linguist sometimes pay during the post-editing can be too high. It’s not uncommon having to translate from scratch. In the end, the job performed is closer to a translation, and not post-editing. And without a chance of review. We’ve been there.
  • Creativity is directly related to quality. AI can be intelligent, but not creative.


Let’s make it clear: AI-focused companies and human-only companies can coexist peacefully. The clients and expectations are different. There’s room for everybody.

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